Friday, January 23, 2009

30 Years of Life

If in the past year you asked me how it felt to be turning 30, I probably have either given you a look, mumbled something incoherent, or defensively declared that I don't look 29 anyway. It's just that I've always seen the 20's as the most fun period of your life, so when I turned 29 and realized I won't be a 20-something any longer, I started to dread January 18, 2009.

But the Lord has a sense of humor and chose my birthday as CFC's pro-life rally at St. Columba. And as every year, my birthday's only a few days away from the March for Life in DC. With these two events, I realized that I should be happy I'm 30. God has given me 30 years of life (and hopefully more). A lot of people do not even reach 30. A lot of people did not have the happy moments that I had in my 30 years of living. 

I also realized not being thankful for reaching 30 is kinda like disrespecting my mom. Here's the story. When she was pregnant with me, there was an incident which resulted with her bleeding. She went to the doctor and he said she miscarried and there was no way I survived so they just better get rid of me. My mom was inconsolable. But she didn't want to believe that I was gone. So she went to another doctor for a second opinion. Thankfully this doctor said there's hope, I can still make it. A few months later on January 18, 1979, I was born.  

And 30 years later, I marched in the cold streets of DC in defense of the lives of the unborn.
March for Life '09

Praise God for my mom, and praise God for the gift of life.


Cheryl said...

:) great entry!

Kat said...

thanks cheryl! yay pro-lifers!