Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This just in

I haven't posted in a while so for the sake of updating this blog, here's some reading material for your pleasure...

You may now call her Reverend Tori Spelling
Just one of the many reasons why the sanctity of marriage has to be protected. And the sanctity of the holy order. And anything 90's pop culture.

It's like Bedknobs & Broomsticks, only with a lawn chair
"When you're laying in the grass on a summer day, and you see the clouds, you wish you could jump on them." I beg to differ, I'd wish I had the latest Harry Potter book and some Cinnabon.

Ginormous mushroom
He better be careful, Papa Smurf might still be sleeping inside.

GEICO's letter to Optimus Prime
I never realized that Megatron could be a woman.

Wash your hands with hands
What sick mind thought of this?

iPhone in a blender
Do not watch if you're an Apple fan with a weak heart.