Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Happy Boing Boing

I've always wondered what attracted my nieces and nephews to the Teletubbies. They are so weird (the 'tubbies that is). Whatever they say don't make sense. And what is up with the red bag? The baby as the sun creeps me out as well.

Anyway, I was reading an article a few days ago that linked to an old Sesame Street clip on YouTube. That made me look for more classic Sesame Street clips that I haven't seen in decad... years. I stumbled upon one of my favorites, the Yip Yip Aliens. Watching their segment again, as a 29 year-old, made me realize that I may not be as different as my nieces and nephews when I was a kid. I mean, what the heck...

Yip yip yip... happy happy boing boing... I don't get it anymore. What was I thinking? And their mouths look weird.

Anyway here are a few classic Sesame Street clips that I did enjoy watching again...

Lower case N
Aww... lower case n isn't lonely anymore. Yay rocketships. This one always made me feel sad for "n" when I was a kid. Sometimes even to the point of making me teary-eyed. I only noticed now that the song is kinda 70's-folksy.

Eleven Twelve
I love love loved this. I could not get the song out of my head at times. Thank you Sesame Street, I can sing 1 to 12. And I've always wanted to have a pinball machine like that.

The Bridgekeeper
I remember watching this either before or after school and I'd be eating something. And... yeah. That's all I remember, I'd always be eating something while watching that. Weird.


wendell said...

Ate Kat! update more often, yo!

Vince said...

wendell's comment is a perfect set up for a, "you know you're old when..." joke.

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