Thursday, January 17, 2008


Late last night I was trying hard to fall asleep, but to no avail due to a nasty headache. So I took some Excedrin to ease the pain. Tried to sleep again. Hmm. Kinda more difficult this time.

I surfed the web in case that would make me sleepy (I figured my eyes would get tired from reading all the articles and blogs). Still nothing. I was actually more wide awake than I was earlier. Hours passed and I began to wonder what was wrong with me. I looked at the label of the Excedrin bottle, and saw that it contains loads of caffeine.


Since I should be working in a few hours, I sent my boss a rather hyper email letting him know that I will be working from home and explained the whole story why. One thing I'm grateful about my job is that I can work from anywhere that has an internet connection. Hooray for technology!

So after several hours of surfing the web, watching the sunrise from my window and still having no idea when I will fall asleep, I will give you my top ten list of things to do on the internet when suffering from insomnia...

1. Read the latest news articles
2. Learn more about history and pop culture on Wikipedia
3. Watch random videos on YouTube
4. Look for something to do in Facebook
5. Read friends' blogs
6. Reply to emails you've been procrastinating about
7. Go over your email's Trash folder and find any forwarded emails you can read
8. Look for anything else to do in Facebook
9. Check the temperature on, just out of curiosity
10. Update your blog

1 comment:

wendell said...

hi ate kat! it's wendell!!! just saying hello and happy Monday! God bless!!!!

my blog is: