The ability to love is a gift given to us by God. Whatever problem we're having in any kind of relationship, the simple solution is love. Love takes away the crazy little thing called pride. The more we love selflessly, the closer we get to Jesus - the ultimate symbol of love.
I always forget about this simple solution. For the past few days I've been getting messages to love. Love my household, love everybody in the community, love my family, love the poor, love my co-workers and our angry clients, and most of all, love God. Each day contains a new message of love. It's like God is knocking on my head (imagine Biff in Back to the Future - "Hellooo McFly!" tap tap tap - but in a more loving way) reminding me of this simple act.
The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace. -Mother Teresa
We are all human who have our own faults and weaknesses. Sometimes we tend to attach ourselves to worldly things, instead of to what is pure and holy. But we need to always take a step back and examine our actions - do we do this out of love? Do we love our neighbors as Jesus loves us? Once we realize that everything we do must be done out of selfless love, only then will our worries and negative emotions go away.
I'm a revolutionary artist. My art is dedicated to change. -John Lennon
All we need is love.
you're so inspiring. get a .com!!!
Agreed. Get one now! Blogger can't handle you son!!!
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