I just had a hot chocolate from Starbucks and I didn't notice the quote on my cup. Heh. But someone who did notice it was a woman from Ohio. She actually got offended by what she read on her cup: "Why in moments of crisis do we ask God for strength and help? As cognitive beings, why would we ask something that may well be a figment of our imaginations for guidance? Why not search inside ourselves for the power to overcome? After all, we are strong enough to cause most of the catastrophes we need to endure." The woman, who is also Catholic and a Starbucks lover, has decided to bring her coffee runs elsewhere.
If you had the sudden urge to get a hot Dulce de Leche from Starbucks, and once you get it you notice the above quote on your cup, what would you do? Would you get offended and boycott Starbucks, or would you consider it as freedom of speech and let it go?
I asked a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless but I am linking to his blog, what he thought about it. He said it's all about your attitude on stuff like this. For him, he takes that as a challenge. No he will not boycott Starbucks, but instead he is inspired to submit all of his thoughts about God to Starbucks' website. Get everybody else to do that, so we will fill the site with Christianity and the Gospel of life. And he's right, because it's another way to be a witness!
If you want to take on the challenge, go to www.starbucks.com/wayiseeit
And for the record, when I went to the site, this is the quote that I got (just goes to show that the views are very diverse): "I wish couples who desperately take every means to conceive a child would realize that adoption is a wonderful alternative. A child who becomes your child through adoption completes a family. Just as when you commit to your spouse or partner there are no biological ties, yet a family was formed. This child enters a family the same way! It is not blood and flesh that form a family, but the heart."